
Sämtliche schriften und briefe series IV volume 5
Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften (ed)
pp 591-592

Date: after 9/19 October 1693

Translated from the Latin

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[A IV 5, p591]

It seems it may not improperly be said that the goal of theology is beatitude, the goal of jurisprudence is judgement, that is, the goods permitted in another's opinion; the goal of medicine is the health or goods of the body; the goal of philosophy is systematic knowledge, that is, knowledge requiring reasoning; the goal of history is knowledge requiring memory, that is, knowledge of singular events; and the goal of gymnastics is bodily skill. But yet there is this difference, that in the former three the goal is internal and in the latter three it is external.
     Theology shows the way of obtaining perpetual happiness, through the divine will or grace.
     Jurisprudence shows the way of obtaining temporal happiness through the human will, for it also includes politics.
     Medicine shows the way of using our body for happiness.
     Technology shows the way of arranging other things which can be instruments to the former [disciplines].
     Theology teaches how best to conduct oneself towards God.
     Jurisprudence towards another man.
     Polymathy towards our mind.
     Medicine towards our body
     Technology towards external things.
     But there are still difficulties. For logic better teaches how to cultivate the intellect, ethics the will, and politics other men. History should be separated from philosophy. Gymnastics should be separated from medicine, and the instrument of politics from eloquence.

[A IV 5, 592]

Theology is a sort of divine jurisprudence, setting forth the laws of our fellowship with God. Therefore universal jurisprudence also underlies its foundations.

© Lloyd Strickland 2019.
With thanks to John Thorley for advice and suggestions